Friday, February 11, 2011

The Market itself will do your advertising

Our advisors are trained to do this JOB

reflate bubbles instead on Organic Growth

Defenders of Capitalism

Position yourself to CAPITALIZE on the next Cycle

Forget about the competition - there should be little - focus on the task at hand

CONFUSION of YOUR ROLE what is YOUR ROLE in this Process

Capitalizing on the Presidential election

Jerfry's revenge

WALL STreet has become a lot like washington

In fact many argue Washington is Employed by Washington - They Talk the Game but the will to preform it not inherent in the culture

haevard and nicolas cage

So things don't matter ti thet matter

The Wall street culture doe not have the Culture to do This and that requires the WILL

In the Modular World - Every Has A role to Play - RC

In the Modular World - Every Has A role to Play - RC

Hire us to coordinate the big picture

Hire us to coordinate the big picture

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Life is not linear

It's about Sweet spots and Rough Patches - and your ability to work through them - to move on - and minimize Down Time

To play the Game you must have a Thesis